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Nuclear Coffee Recover Keys

Coffee Recover Keys

Вы потеряли все ваши ключи? Наверное, да. В таком случае вы можете сделать дубликат или поменять замок. Что если вы потеряли ключи активации от операционной системы Windows или других важных программ, которые недавно купили? Это может стоить вам сотен тысяч долларов. По этой причине я создал данную программу. С Recover Keys вы просто диагностируете вашу систему для всех установленных программ и создаете резервную копию, печатаете ее или сохраняете в текстовый файл. Это поможет сэкономить вам большое количество денег.

Coffee Recover Keys

Key Features

  • Recover activation keys from 3133 installed software programs, including such popular products as Windows, Office and Adobe Photoshop.
  • As additional feature retrieve registration info, such as Username, Company, Product Id, Auth. Key. If available
  • Export recovered data to Text file, HTML, Word, Excel, PDF, CSV, XML or tab separated files.
  • Can recover product keys from another hard-drive (bootable or non-bootable).
  • Scan another Windows OS, if you have more than one installed on your hard-drive.
  • Scan remote network computer without installing anything on remote PC.
  • Scan all network computers. You can enter IP range, list of IPs or just list of computer names (useful for those who're using DHCP server).
  • Recover Keys can scan multiple remote PCs at the same time; this will save you a lot of time.
  • Change product keys without reinstalling software. With the exception of Microsoft products - these product keys can be only recovered.
  • Ready for Vista and 64-bit operating systems. Recover Keys will also scan WOW64Node registry node and Vista virtual store if needed.
  • Some product keys are located not in registry, but somewhere in files on HDD. Recover Keys will also search for product keys on your HDD.
  • Command-line version and USB version are available.
  • Nice looking intuitive user interface, but with solid amount of options.
  • Easy customizable and nice looking printing.
  • Auto-updater will always check for fresh database of supported software programs.
  • Unlike with other similar programs, in our list of supported software you find only the products that we do REALLY SUPPORT. Trust is the key to our success.
  • Free and friendly technical support. We add any possible software to Recover Keys at your request.
  • Working on Windows NT / 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows 7 and available in 12 languages.


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