Портативный софт

Portable phpDesigner

текстовый редактор

phpDesigner — многофункциональная и очень удобная программа для создания, редактирования, отладки, анализа и публикации веб-страниц и приложений на языке PHP. Программа одинаково подходит как для начинающих программистов, так и для профессиональных разработчиков. Кроме PHP, программа поддерживает HTML, MySQL, XML, CSS, javascript, VBScript, JAVA, C, Python и Ruby. Также в дополнение всему успешно подходит для WAMP/LAMP- и AJAX-разработчиков, так как имеет средства для автоматической подсветки кода. Программа имеет емкие библиотеки, содержащие более 3000 функций, доступ к которым можно легко осуществлять в процессе разработок.

текстовый редактор

Основные возможности:

  • Умная подсветка синтаксиса для множества языков
  • Проверка синтаксиса для PHP, HTML и CSS
  • Автоматическое завершение кода для PHP, HTML, CSS и javascript
  • Подсказки для PHP и javascript
  • Интуитивная навигация по объектам вашего кода
  • Инспектор кода для HTML
  • Кодовый обозреватель для PHP, CSS и javascript
  • Переход к любому объявлению PHP, CSS и javascript
  • Отладка и профилирование PHP скриптов с помощью Xdebug
  • Легкий в использовании интерфейс программы

текстовый редактор
Что нового в phpDesigner
  • New. Support for HTML5
  • New. Support for CSS3
  • New. Support for namespaces in PHP5
  • New. Double-clicking on a variable or word will highlight all instances of this variable or word on the fly
  • New. Selecting a word will highlight all instances of this word on the fly
  • New. Upload opened file to the selected ftp folder with one-click
  • New. Automatic backup opened ftp files to local storage/path
  • New. Jump directly to the project shell menu with ctrl+right-click
  • New. Insert snippet now checks if the same input prompt appears more than one time. If so, the user will only see one prompt.
  • New. Code beautifier for PHP now supports Arrays
  • New. Support for loading last opened files if from an sftp connection
  • New. Support for connect to a SFTP connection with keys
  • New. javascript code minifier
  • New. CSS code minifier
  • New. HTML code formatter (with support for javascript and CSS)
  • New. javascript code formatter
  • New. CSS code formatter
  • New. Remote PHP debugging with xDebug
  • New. Added _GET to the code insight for PHP
  • New. Added _POST to the code insight for PHP
  • New. Hierarchy support in new unified todo and bug manager
  • New. Support for scanning projects for todo tags
  • New. Support for scanning projects for bug tags
  • New. New Hyperlink UI
  • New. Added ScreenTip property to the Hyperlink dialog
  • New. Added Tell me more about Hyperlinks
  • New. Opendialog now displays all filetypes in Hyperlink
  • New. Hyperlink dialog optimized for HTML5
  • New. New Image UI
  • New. Added Tell me more about Images
  • New. Image dialog optimized for HTML5
  • New. New Table UI
  • New. Added Tell me more about Tables
  • New. Table dialog optimized for HTML5
  • New. New List UI
  • New. Added Tell me more about Lists
  • New. List dialog optimized for HTML5
  • New. iFrame dialog added
  • New. Added Embed to the HTML menu
  • New. Added HTML5 Video tag to the HTML menu
  • New. Added HTML5 Audio tag to the HTML menu
  • New. Added HTML5 Canvas tag to the HTML menu
  • New. Added HTML5 doctype to the HTML menu
  • New. Added HTML5 Figure tag to the HTML menu
  • New. Added HTML5 Caption tag to the HTML menu
  • New. Added HTML5 Footer tag to the HTML menu
  • New. Added HTML5 Header tag to the HTML menu
  • New. Added HTML5 Navigation tag to the HTML menu
  • New. Added HTML5 Aside tag to the HTML menu
  • New. Added Meta Robots to the HTML menu
  • New. Bookmarks moved to Find menu
  • New. Renamed Style Block to Style
  • New. Renamed Link to CSS to Link to Style
  • New. Renamed @Import CSS File to @Import
  • New. Added font-family Sans Serif
  • New. Added font-family Serif
  • New. Added font-family Monospace
  • New. Added comment tag to the javascript menu
  • New. Include file added to the javascript menu
  • New. Noscript tag added to the javascript menu
  • New. Updated Link to jQuery 1.6.x
  • New. Updated Link to Dojo 1.6
  • New. Updated Link to MooTools 1.3.2
  • New. Form UI dialog
  • New. Texbox UI dialog
  • New. Text field UI dialog
  • New. File upload UI dialog
  • New. Passsword UI dialog
  • New. Button UI dialog
  • New. Radion button UI dialog
  • New. Checkbox UI dialog
  • New. Dropdown UI dialog
  • New. Hidden field UI dialog
  • New. Font dialig optimized for HTML5
  • New. Added command for Git add file
  • New. Added command for Git add folder
  • New. Added command for Git commit
  • New. Added command for Git status
  • New. Added command for Git comitted files
  • New. Added command for Git diff
  • New. Added command for Git view log
  • New. Added command for Git view log with graph
  • New. Added command for Git view log with pagination
  • New. Added command for git delete file
  • New. Added command for git new branch
  • New. Added command for git delete branch
  • New. Added command for git view branches
  • New. Added command for git switch branch
  • New. Added command for git new stash
  • New. Added command for git view stashes
  • New. Added command for git load stash
  • New. Added command for git delete stash
  • New. Added command for git custom command
  • New. Added Highlighter to the menu
  • New. Added filename to Tools > Count
  • New. Added Tools > File Information (file created, last access, modified etc.)
  • New. Search toolbar now highlights all found instances
  • New. Open configuration file php.ini from the Debug menu
  • New. Debug windows added to the Debug menu
  • New. Editor toolbar (code, debug, run, localhost and highlighters)
  • New. Added Custom SVN command
  • New. Option to hide Editor menu
  • New. In Project Files, if filter starts with '?' then search is based on RegExpr like (expression is after '?' char): ?index\.(htm.?|php).
  • New. Directories for Git (.git) and Mercurial (.hg) are now excluded from project and search (For old project everyone who need it must of course add manually these directories to project filter)
  • New. Added Run in Browser to the Debug menu
  • New. Added Cut, Copy and Paste commands to Code Templates
  • New. Added Cut, Copy and Paste commands to Code Snippets
  • New. Added line numbers to the preview windows in Code Beautifier for PHP.
  • New. Tell me more about this tag
  • New. Project sessions now support open and closing last opened project files
  • New. Added filter 'namespace' to the Go to Declaration dialog
  • Fix. Added missing function mysql_set_charset() to code insight for PHP.
  • Fix. Support for restoring bookmarks on open
  • Fix. Bookmarks broken after replace text
  • Fix. Search dialog position on dual screen
  • Fix. Removed duplicated items in code insight for javascript
  • Fix. When I enter a curly bracket while editing Javscript, it automatically makes it a set of two curly bracket (()) instead of ().
  • Fix. Matching brackets
  • Fix. Go to declaration dialog with Ctrl+Click
  • Fix. Syntax coloring fix.
  • Fix. Sometimes the background becomes white and you need to go to the Preferences to fix it.
  • Fix. Previously you could open multiple instances of the same sftp file when clicking on it more than once instead of going to the open
  • instance.
  • Fix. Code Explorer for PHP now list variables $var2, $var3 in $var1 = $var2 = $var3 = 'blah';
  • Fix. "when you type a CSS class with ""-"" in the name, the editor put the first class that have ""-""
  • Fix. Code formatter for PHP: elseif doesn't end up on a new line
  • Fix. Code formatter for PHP: keep whitespaces between variables
  • Fix. Code formatter for PHP: Add space before the initial comment
  • Fix. Code formatter for PHP: Space around ->
  • Fix. Code formatter for PHP: When you put a comment after an "if" for example, there will be added an empty line
  • Fix. Code formatter for PHP: Breaks ""continue NNN"" statements
  • Fix. Code formatter for PHP: Normally spaces are put around the & (when referencing), this doesn't work properly in a foreach (with a key)
  • Fix. Code formatter for PHP: 'continue' keyword fix
  • Fix. Only possible to open one instance of the portable edition
  • Fix. Gutter is overwritten when scrolling
  • Fix. Extra character inserted on replace
  • Fix. Tags loses color format when multilple file formats are opened.
  • Fix. Output trim in the Hyperlink dialog
  • Fix. Hyperlink dialog now supports Alt+Tab in Windows 7
  • Fix. Output trim in the Image dialog
  • Fix. Image dialog now supports Alt+Tab in Windows 7
  • Fix. Output trim in the Table dialog
  • Fix. Table dialog now supports Alt+Tab in Windows 7
  • Fix. Output trim in the List dialog
  • Fix. List dialog now supports Alt+Tab in Windows 7
  • Fix. Flash dialog now supports Alt+Tab in Windows 7
  • Fix. Go to dialog now supports Alt+Tab in Windows 7
  • Fix. CSS Selector dialogs now supports Alt+Tab in Windows 7
  • Fix. Windows.Open() dialog now supports Alt+Tab in Windows 7
  • Fix. Form dialog now supports Alt+Tab in Windows 7
  • Fix. Texbox dialog now supports Alt+Tab in Windows 7
  • Fix. File upload dialog now supports Alt+Tab in Windows 7
  • Fix. Password dialog now supports Alt+Tab in Windows 7
  • Fix. Button dialog now supports Alt+Tab in Windows 7
  • Fix. Radion button dialog now supports Alt+Tab in Windows 7
  • Fix. Checkbox dialog now supports Alt+Tab in Windows 7
  • Fix. Dropdown dialog now supports Alt+Tab in Windows 7
  • Fix. Hidden dialog now supports Alt+Tab in Windows 7
  • Fix. Meta dialog now supports Alt+Tab in Windows 7
  • Fix. Colors dialog now supports Alt+Tab in Windows 7
  • Fix. Font dialog now supports Alt+Tab in Windows 7
  • Fix. CSS Media dialog now supports Alt+Tab in Windows 7
  • Fix. CSS Import dialog now supports Alt+Tab in Windows 7
  • Fix. Xdebug Profiler dialog now supports Alt+Tab in Windows 7
  • Fix. Paste text when Code Insight is active
  • Fix. Save button state when switching between documents
  • Fix. Renamed Inline Todo to File Todo
  • Fix. Renamed Inline Bug to File Bug
  • Fix. Link to javascript file
  • Fix. Although each project can remember the files opened, closing/switching projects doesn't close opened files for the project.
  • Fix. Resize Event Log
  • Fix. Resize Debug Stack
  • Minor fixes and improvements


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MonbJIan 05/01/12 Просмотров: 2379