
Windows Firewall Control

Windows Firewall Control 4

Windows Firewall Control - утилита, скачав которую на cwer.ws, вы получите доступ к наиболее часто используемым опциям встроенного брандмауэра операционных систем Windows. После инсталляции программа располагается в системном трее и дает возможность эффективно управлять различными параметрами при помощи контекстного меню, например можно быстро разрешить/запретить другим программам выходить в сеть, настраивать правила, просматривать текущие активные сетевые соединения, импортировать/экспортировать политики и т.д.

Режимы работы:

  • Высокая фильтрация - все соединения блокируются.
  • Средняя фильтрация - исходящие соединения, для которых нет правила, блокируются.
  • Низкая фильтрация - исходящие соединения, для которых нет правила, разрешаются.
  • Нет фильтрации - Windows Firewall отключен.

Возможности программы:

  • Just one small executable file. All features are packed in the same file.
  • Intuitive and easy accessible interface in the system tray.
  • Full support with standard user accounts.
  • Possibility to create temporary rules.
  • Disable the ability of other programs to add Windows Firewall rules.
  • Multiple and easier ways of creating new rules in Windows Firewall.
  • Full support of creating, modifying and deleting Window Firewall rules.
  • Lock feature which can disable the access to the settings of the program.
  • Shell integration into the right click context menu of the executable files.
  • Search for invalid rules with the possibility to delete them.
  • Search for executable files through folders and create new rules in seconds.
  • View recently blocked connections and create new rules from the log.
  • Choose if you want the program to start at user logon.
  • Import and export the settings of the program.
  • Protection to unauthorized uninstallation.
  • Possibility to restore previous settings at uninstallation.
  • And many more. Just try it out.
Windows Firewall Control

ОС: Windows 8.1, 8, 7, Vista и Server 2008.

Что нового в этой версии:

  • Improved: It is now possible to do multiple tasks at once in Manage Rules window. While the data is loading in Recently Blocked view, the user can also search for executable files in New Rules Wizard and he can also create new rules in Manage Rules view. In the previous versions, while a long task was running the other actions were disabled. Now, multiple long running tasks can be executed in the same time.
  • Improved: The partial policy files have now the extension *.wpw. This will help the user to identify more easily what kind of file he will import.
  • Fixed: When creating a new rule from the Notification dialog, the newly created rule is created for "All" location even if in Control Panel the user defines something else, for example only Domain.
  • Fixed: When using Recently Blocked window, after you create a new rule it is not possible to create a second rule until you don't refresh again the list.
  • Fixed: When using "New Rules Wizard", after the user browses for the folder where to search for executable files, the search does not start automatically.
  • Fixed: The result dialog indicates a successful action after the user chooses to import a policy file, even if the file was not valid and nothing changed.


Скачать программу Windows Firewall Control (0,8 МБ):

Bukkollaider 29/11/13 Просмотров: 1192