
DigiHUD Pro Speedometer 1.1.7

DigiHUD Pro Speedometer 1.1.7

DigiHUD Pro Speedometer - это цифровая приборная панель/индикатор для лобового/ветрового стекла (HUD) на базе GPS для Андроид, которая отображает и позволяет записывать полезную информацию о скорости и пробеге во время Вашей поездки. Это идеальный вариант, если не работает спидометр Вашего "коня", либо Вы хотите проверить его скорость, либо Вам просто нужно знать свою скорость при езде на велосипеде, на бегу, в полёте, при плавании под парусами и т.п.

DigiHUD Pro Speedometer 1.1.7 DigiHUD Pro Speedometer 1.1.7

  • Edit speed and distance values, like odometer, trip and max
  • Start/stop on power connected/disconnected
  • Tap clock for elapsed time
  • Tap compass for simple compass, bearing and odometer (tap again for classic compass)
  • Speed Warnings - have practically as many as you like. Set a color, trigger speed, continuous/single or no alert sound. Trigger on overspeed/underspeed (possibly one for the pilots)
  • Log your routes and export to .KML, .GPX and .CSV file formats, or open in Earth if installed. Shows start and end addresses so needs Internet Access permission
  • Compatible with Samsung's Multi-Window & LG's Dual-Window Modes. Split the screen between DigiHUD Pro and other apps (like Maps).
  • Day/Night mode - choose a different color and brightness setting for day and night. Auto mode automatically switches at sunrise and sunset
  • Speed offset - adjust the displayed value by up to +/-20%
  • Litespeed - have the display switch to Lite mode if you go over your chosen speed
  • Speedtouch Lock - turn off all screen touch events over your chosen speed
  • Hide unlit number segments - make those empty digits less distracting
  • Speed with Google Map view - splits the screen between speed and a live Google Map showing your location.
  • Choose the number of decimal places to show for values, up to two.
  • Main speed indicator can optionally show one decimal place.
  • A setting allows you to choose if you want to show the status bar or the status and action bars. You can of course leave it at the default; full screen. Only Android 3 and above for now.
  • Turn off screen taps opening the Menu. There's a new setting to turn them off but they're on by default.

DigiHUD Pro Speedometer 1.1.7 DigiHUD Pro Speedometer 1.1.7

DigiHUD Pro Speedometer 1.1.7

Изменения в версии:
  • Updated permissions code (Android 6+) to prevent ‘Screen Overlay Detected’ warnings
  • Ability to run in the background. Use with caution, Android can still kill the app if it needs the memory
  • Various small improvements
Платформа: android 2.2 +
Язык интерфейса: английский


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