Графика, Для Photoshop

Top Retouch 1.0.9 for Adobe Photoshop

Top Retouch for Adobe Photoshop

Top Retouch - одна из лучших, если не лучшая, панель ретуши. Эта панель включает в себя 200+ функций для ретуши, макияжа, цветокоррекции, а также видеокурс и рабочие процессы. Если вы новичок в ретуши, у вас будет хороший старт, поскольку в комплект входит полный видеокурс. Особенно полезны рабочие процессы, которые помогут вам пройти все шаги. На каждом шаге будут все необходимые инструкции. Если вы профессионал, Top Retouch Panel сэкономит ваше время и сделает вашу работу более удобной.

Top Retouch 1.0.9 for Adobe Photoshop

Block 1. Basic operations

  • Liquify – Tool for plastic face and body shaping
  • Insta 4×5 – Cropping to fit 4 : 5
  • Insta 1×1 – Cropping to fit 1 : 1
  • Story – Cropping to fit 1080 : 1920
  • Sh/Highl – Tool for working with shadows and highlights
  • For Web – Convenient document saving for web resources
  • Save As – Save As’ button
  • Sv&Cls – Save to current file and close this tab
  • Image Size – Resize image
  • Canvas Size – Resize the canvas
  • Transform – Free transform (image resizing)
  • Rotate +90 – Rotate 90 degrees clockwise
  • Rotate -90 – Rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise
  • Flip vertically
  • Flip horizontally
  • New Doc – Open a new document
  • Open – Open an existing document
  • Duplicate – Create a copy of the document in a new tab
  • Dual – Allows to see at the same time a close-up and a general plan
  • Image Mode – Changes the color space of the document
  • Bits – Changes the bitness of the image (8/16/32)
  • Apply Img – Adding an external channel
  • Filter G – Opens the Filter Gallery
  • С-Raw – Opens Camera Raw

Block 2. Retouch
  • Stamp – Stamp Layer for removing local skin irregularities
  • Auto – Automatic skin texture and tone smoothing
  • Gauss 3 – Professional retouch of skin texture and tone
  • Skin – Skin retouching tool
  • Gauss 3 – Function that uses 3-frequency separation
  • DBC – Dodge & Burn method with flexible settings using curves
  • DBO – Dodge & Burn method with flexible settings using overlays
  • D – Dodge layer
  • B – Burn layer
  • Soft Light – Doge & Burn layer in “Soft Light” mode
  • Overlay – Doge & Burn layer in “Overlay” mode
  • Gray – Doge & Burn layer (filled with 50% gray) in “Overlay” mode
  • Median – Frequency separation by the “Median” method
  • Low F – Low frequency layer correction
  • Soft Skin – Gentle smoothing of the skin
  • Soft Light – Highlight and darken with the “Soft light” method
  • Auto DB – Automatic leveling of highlights and shadows
  • Texture – Enhancing skin texture

Block 3. Makeup
  • Hair – Hair color correction with flexible settings
  • Brows – Adding natural thickness and richness to eyebrows
  • Eyelids – Eyelids color correction with flexible settings
  • Blusher – Add blush to the cheeks
  • Lips – Lips color correction with flexible settings
  • Tone – Change skin colors
  • Orange – Orange correction
  • Yellow – Yellow correction
  • Red – Red color correction
  • Iris – Retouching and color correction of eyes
  • Lashes – Eyelash liner
  • Eyes – Eye Retouching Tool
  • Auto Tone – Automatic skin tone correction
  • No Pink – Redness Removal Tool
  • Glowing – Tool for adding luminosity
  • Hair Light – Add shine to hair
  • LAB-C – Correcting color in LAB mode
  • Pallettes – Color grading palettes: Blusher, Eyelids, Lips, Hair, Face
  • Makeup – Multitool that includes many functions for makeup

Block 4. Local Tools
  • Anti Glare – Tool for removing oily shines
  • Tan – Easy and fast sun tan function
  • Contrast – Adding contrast with flexible settings
  • Matte – Matting images with flexible settings
  • Sharp – Increasing local sharpness (eyes, lips and etc.)
  • Volume – Adding depth and volume to images
  • Teeth – Quick teeth whitening with natural color set
  • Brightness – Change brightness
  • Temperature – Change temperature shade
  • Contrast – Change contrast
  • Red – Add red channel mask
  • Green – Add green channel mask
  • Blue – Add blue channel mask
  • HDR – HDR effect
  • B&W – Black and white effect
  • Tint – Color filter (optional)
  • Gradient – Gradient filter (optional)
  • Noise – Add noise effect
  • Bokeh – Add bokeh effect
  • Vignette – Add vignette effect

Block 5. Workflows
This is one of the best features of Top Retouch Panel. Workflows will guide you through the steps, each step will offer a tool and detailed instructions with examples of how to use it. Thus, you will master the full cycle of retouching. Just follow the recommendations and click Next, go through the steps and you’re done!

Top Retouch Panel features the following workflows:

  • Pro Retouch Workflow
  • Fast Retouch Workflow
  • Auto Retouch Workflow
  • Make Up Workflow
  • Retouch & Make Up Workflow

Block 6. Color Presets
  • Top Retouch Panel contains 10 collections of 11 color filter presets.

Top Retouch 1.0.9 for Adobe Photoshop

Системные требования:

  • Вам нужно использовать англоязычный Photoshop, чтобы избежать ошибок.
  • Совместимость с Adobe Photoshop 18.2 и более поздних версий.


Скачать расширение Top Retouch 1.0.9 for Adobe Photoshop (10,3 МБ):

MANSORY 18/11/21 Просмотров: 2272
Petr_2010 27 ноября 2021, 12:05:03

Есть неплохие фишки. Благодарю!