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PSPad 4

PSPad - бесплатный текстовый редактор с поддержкой синтаксиса популярных языков программирования (VB, C + +, SQL, PHP, ASP, Python и т.д.), макросов, огромного количества файлов, работой с темплейтами. PSPad включает в себя несколько дополнительных инструментов, что особенно полезно для редактирования HTML (сжатия, форматирования кода), а также интегрируется в TopStyle Lite и TidyHTML. Программа может быть использована в качестве IDE для любого компилятора. Дополнительные возможности включают файловый браузер, встроенный FTP клиент для редактирования файлов на сервере и многое другое.


Возможности программы:

  • Работа с проектами
  • Работа над несколькими документами одновременно (MDI)
  • Сохранение экранной сессии. При следующем входе PSPad автоматически откроет все открытые на момент закрытия файлы
  • FTP клиент — вы можете редактировать файлы прямо с WEB-сервера
  • Поддержка макросов записывать, сохранять и загружать макросы
  • Поиск и замена в файлах
  • Сравнение текстов с разноцветной подсветкой различий
  • Шаблоны (HTML-теги, скрипты, шаблоны кода, …)
  • Инсталляция содержит шаблоны для HTML, PHP, Pascal, JScript, VBScript, MySQL, MS-DOS, Perl, …
  • Подсветка синтаксиса применяется автоматически согласно типа файла
  • Определяемые пользователем стили подсветки для экзотических синтаксисов
  • Автокоррекция
  • Интеллектуальный встроенный HTML-предпросмотр используя IE и Mozilla
  • Полноценный HEX редактор
  • Вызов внешних программ, отдельно для каждой среды разработки
  • Внешний компилятор с перехватом вывода, окном лога и парсер логов для каждой среды создают эффект «IDE»
  • Цветная подсветка синтаксиса для печати и допечатный предпросмотр
  • Интегрирована TiDy-библиотека для форматирования и проверки HTML-кода, конверсии в CSS, XML, XHTML
  • Встроенная свободная версия CSS-редактора TopStyle Lite
  • Экспорт кода с подсветкой в форматах RTF, HTML, TeX в файл или буфер обмена
  • Вертикальное выделение, закладки, метки, нумерация строк, …
  • Переформатирование и сжатие HTML-кода, изменения регистра слов, тегов, букв
  • Сортировка строк с возможностью сортировать по заданному столбцу, с параметром удаления дубликатов
  • Таблица ASCII-символов с приведением соответствия HTML-мнемоник
  • Навигатор кода для Pascal, INI, HTML, XML, PHP, и многих других в будущем
  • Проверка правописания
  • Встроенный веб-браузер с поддержкой Apache
  • Подсветка парных скобок

ОС: Windows XP/Vista/7

Что нового в версии 4.5.6:
  • Backup/Restore PSpad configuration in program settings / Backup
  • Added user highlighter for DART
  • Modified file change detection
  • Autocomplete - now is possible to confirm it with TAB key
  • Open system files funstion opens HOSTS file too
  • Code explorer for ADA - improoved
  • User highlighter - added backslash comment possibility (4680 Basic)
  • Interactive code clips - you can set date format in menu Settings / Program variables in %date% variable
  • Python highlighter - added With keyword
  • Open and Close dialogs uses new Windows 7 style
  • New version of unicode library TNTUnicode controls
  • New version of JCL library
  • FoxPro - new code explorer
  • File backup into designated folde includes drive letter
  • Code explorer trims redundant spaces
  • Autocomplete is case sensitive now
  • HTML5 support - added missing tags
  • menu Edit / Conversion - items was changed to actions. You can assign shortcuts, use conversion in scripts
  • Highlighter settings - you can set color for file tab
  • Current File tab is highlighted
  • HTML and CSS highlighter - # is included in select word
  • COBOL Code explorer - added COPY section
  • REX Code explorer - added support as ftREX in user highlighter
  • HTML highlighter - double click selects color include # char
  • Code explorerer - new support for Macomy Script (ftMScript)
  • New dialog - speed optimalization
  • file change detection
  • Cobol highlighter (new keywords, inline comment)
  • HTML5 tags support
  • system variables support in external commands and compiler
  • Search/Replace - PSPad will keep position when nothing is found
  • Search file from log priority change - PSpad search in compiler folder first, then in project and open files
  • File detection mechanism was rewriten
  • Autocomplete appears automatically. You can set delay in Program settings / Editor2
  • Log parser extended capabilities (Highlighter settings / Compiler)
  • Added -i /i switch what allows you use alternative config file for PSPad
  • Load file using plugin autodetects UTF-8 encoding
  • User highlighter - new multiline comment style * … ;
  • Program settings / System - new option allows you minimize program instead close it
  • MS SQL highlighter extended (try - catch)
  • User highlighter extended - comments start with slash (MEGA)
  • User highlighter extended - escaped strings
  • Code explorer - modification for AutoMod (ftAUM)
  • added FTP support for z/VM - vm/cms
  • new option for detection deleted files in [Special settings section]: CheckDeleted. Default is off.
  • TextDiff is scrolling with window above
  • Code explorer for AutoMod (ftAUM) was extended
  • Code explorer for CSS shows used colors
  • Cobol highlighter - words pair highlighting
  • Color select - dblclick on stored color adds color into editor
  • Color translator - stored colors was added
  • Code explorer for UnIcon
  • New command line parameter -N or /N runs new PSPad instance
  • Search/replace in files now works with R/O files too
  • In Highlighter settings / HTML is possible to activate/deactivate template support
  • Added File Remove/Delete on the background detection
  • libraries update: JCL, TextDiff
  • Project synchronize uses ignore masks list (Program settings / Files) for folders too
  • Code format function remebers settings for individual highlighters between sessions
  • Project from folder dialog
  • New multiline comment style for PowerShell <#..#> in User highlighter definition
  • Wordstar Layout support for editor shortcuts (you can define it)
  • new Project synchronization with disk include file extensions specification in Project settings. It's first version, modification of Project from folder dialog will follow
  • variable OldWhitespaceChar is back in program settings / Direct edit
  • XProfan 11 - new user highlighter from Stephan Sonneborn
  • Falcon 11 - new user highlighter from GRAWeeLD
  • possibility to sort file tabs alphabetically - menu Windows or file tabs context menu
  • Drag/Drop image to HTML file with CTRL key inserts Base64 image form direct into code
  • LOG parser - added %S what means any count of spaces/tabs
  • Direct HEX editor works with code switching in menu format (right column)
  • New script command: highlighter([s: string]): string sets/returns editor highlighter. You can enter start of the highlighter name only.
  • Show nonprintable chars - small dot for spaces
  • Editor Command ecInsert inserts new line before current line and place cursor to start of the line
  • PSPadShell extension first looks for PSpad in current folder then from registry - has meaning for multiuser environment
  • Included manifest - requestedExecutionLevel is set to asInvoker
  • JScript highlighter allows you highlight words begining of underscore with different color
  • Syntax change - new button to set TXT - remove highlighter from file
  • Manifest file was moved out of PSPad.exe. In default is set "asInvoker"
  • Fortran Code explorer shows CALL in procedure body
  • New commend line option /Snnn or -Snnn forced highlighter given by nnn. You can use start of highliter name only. Highlighter is used for all files in command line
  • In manifest was requestedExecutionLevel set to "highestAvailable" value
  • FTP client - '..' is available always
  • HTML preview - refresh after file save
  • Progress code explorer - added Temp table structure support
  • ABB rapid Code explorer - addedd Traps support
  • Updated JCL library - processor and OS detection e.t.c.
  • Progress highlighter - addedd new keywords
  • Programm remembers Code clips window size during sessions
  • Remove file from project (Shift+Ctrl+Del) is available only if project Window is focused
  • InnoSetup highlighter update - new keywords and flags
  • new function - Detach file from FPT - if you open file from FTP, you can edit it locally only without automatically save it to FTP
  • new option if FTP settings allows you keep connection with random commands
  • new user highlighter for SIEMENS STEP7 industrial automation controller language (Wolfgang T. Url, DynaByte Engineering Url)
  • XML Code explorer - some XML form (one line XML) freezes PSPad
  • FTP log doesn't scroll to last line automatically
  • Main form position after start
  • Active tab setting after close files right or left
  • FTP icon on the file tab after file was saved to FTP
  • Multiline file tabs was displayed incorrectly in some cases
  • Removing unnumbered bookmark doesn't have influence to bookmarks list
  • Autorefres for new files
  • Import FTP settings from FileZilla with FTP servers groups
  • PSPad start with dots in path
  • Open files from internet history wasn't stored
  • Hanlded exception is file was closed on background
  • FTP client - movement using arrows
  • Switch to HEX when whole text was selected and file type was different from DOS
  • Open Text files from project with double click
  • File change detection
  • FTP - random command can't be switched off
  • Main window and more desktops
  • Icon was lost when you go to settings and files with iconsets was missing
  • Autoindent behavior corection
  • Code explorer for Cobol
  • Bracket highlighting in C++ and JScript
  • String highlighting in JScript
  • Fortran line comment in user highlighter takes 'C' only when on the first position in line
  • Exception after binary file reload
  • Reformat XML code - handled CDATA section
  • PSpad doesn't take ShowHint settings (Program settings/Direct edit) after start
  • FTP keep connection keeps current folder and keeps FTP client connected
  • for new file extension TXT is set when Highlighter is switched off in Syntax change dialog
  • corrected exception after paste text into incremental search
  • fixed new comment style for C++ highlighter
  • fixed undo problems with active Autoindent mode
  • Open file from internet - problem in case of UTF-8 page encoding
  • File change detection
  • Fixed ECHO highlighting for MSDos BAT highlighter
  • Perl highlighter - string \# was highlighted as comment
  • Fixed save ANSI file on VirtualBox shared folder
  • Remove additional spaces with active WordWrap
  • JScript - escaped comment problem
  • FTP client - fixed problem with slow SSL/TLS communication
  • JScript comment
  • Drag/Drop from internal file explorer into HEX editor and TextDiff
  • Statusbar supports unicode chars
  • Statusbar - char update after delete char
  • Statusbar - cursor position shows number of char before cursor
  • Project synchronization wasn't available is no file was open
  • CSS highlighter - highlight of the matching bracked fix
  • Project doesn't store extensions for synchronization
  • Search/replace - replace include new line
  • Deleted file info was incorrect for new file
  • CSS highlighter fix for matching bracket
  • File save with keep date time info
  • Paste from clipboard, real tabs and enabled EOL
  • fixed CSS highlighter
  • file change detection using GetFileInformationByHandle() API function
  • all window redraw during open files from outside editor
  • Save main window position in menu Settings was disabled if no file was open
  • File change detection stops work if file was closed using file tab
  • Code explorer fo C++ and splitted strings
  • Scripting - function highlighter() doesn't return highlighter name for user highlighters
  • LOG resize with filetabs on the bottom
  • user highlighter - string highlighting
  • favourite panel - copy link doesn't copy log parser string
  • program title - fixed display of the file name
  • toolbar - fixed problem with nondefault font size after start
  • LOG parser debuger
  • C++ code explorer
  • C++ code explorer
  • AutoCompletion behavior
  • problems when PSpad was started with -N
  • File explorer allows you delete folder ..
  • C++ code explorer
  • AutoCompletion behavior
  • C++ Code explorer
  • Autocomplete - behavior fixes
  • COBOL code explorer - fixes
  • COBOL - add/remove comments is driven by AreaA settings
  • Project - fixed file type filter in File dialog when project file doesn't exist
  • handled exception in Highlighter settings
  • fixed Tcl/Tk variable highlight
  • fixed File tabs draw
  • Autocomplete works only if PSPad is active
  • work directory release when PSpad is minimized to tray
  • Sort dialog with remove duplicities works with unicode files now
  • VBScript code explorer - procedures and functions
  • Search/Replace dialog - problems with unicode strings
  • HTML to plain text convertor (remove tags in menu HTML)
  • fixed buttons and checkboxes draw on Windows 7 with Alt key
  • Cobol highlighter - foxed draw od * char if the last position
  • Dialogs will show in the screen center if main PSPad window is partially behind the screen
  • File save dialog for TXT files doesn't contain TXT extension when URL highlight was active
  • Code explorer for C++ doesn't recognize "interrupt void ..."
  • Dialogs - the caption wasn't transparent
  • MS SQL 7 highlighter - AND was moved to keywords
  • Remove redundant spaces - problem with unicode chars
  • Highlighter settings / compiler tab - exception when there was no content and button INF was pressed


Скачать программу PSPad (4,41 МБ):

Bukkollaider 22/05/12 Просмотров: 1228
VS_Adamant 22 мая 2012, 22:02:08

Ни фига. Я думал давно уже PSPad не поддерживается. Спасибо качаю.

Bukkollaider 22 мая 2012, 22:05:00

Пожалуйста, но версия не сильно новая, от 10.11.11